Guardians of the Galaxy:
Language: We can tell that this film falls under the Sci-fi genre because of the background, which shows a large planet and the setting of outer space. Another way we can tell that it is sci-fi is the way that the main characters are shown, for example there is a green skinned woman, there is also an action pose of a raccoon holding and firing a gun, a tree like creature and one with red eyes. These characters suggest that they come from another planet thus fitting in to a key concept of the Sci-fi genre. The weapons that the characters are holding also seem to show that they are advanced pieces of technology, which represent the futuristic element of the Sci-fi genre.
Institution: The film poster quotes 'From the studio that brought you The Avengers', which is referring to Marvel as they are associated with making other similar Sci-fi movies such as Iron Man and Thor. The director of the Movies is James Gunn. The movie also features big stars such as Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel and Dave Bautista. Marvel is the studio making the money for the movie as they have made other comic book heroes into movies have gone further by creating new superheros.
Audience: The target audience of the film would appeal to both genders. It would appeal to a male audience because Chris Pratt is the center of attention in the poster. It could also appeal to the female audience due to the underlying romantic story line between Pratt and Saldana's characters. Any fans of the Marvel studio could, by association be the target audience of this movies as it shows similarities to other sci-fi, superhero movies.
Representation: Pratt's character is shown larger and is seen more dominant than the other characters on the poster, which represents that he is more significant and that he could be the leader of the team. The spaceships in the background of the poster could represent the action scenes in the movie, also the characters seem to be escaping from these spaceships which connotes the adventure that the main characters will be going on.